生活知识: Begining loading source file... Done Time used for this section: 0 seconds Sorting dictionary... Done! Begin processing index... Done! Original index size = 37KB, compressed size = 21KB, compression ratio = 56% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Begin processing data contents... Done! Original text size = 344KB, compressed size = 202KB, compression ratio = 58% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Number of entries: 1415 Conversion succeed! IT杂谈: Begining loading source file... Done Time used for this section: 0 seconds Sorting dictionary... Done! Begin processing index... Done! Original index size = 0KB, compressed size = 0KB, compression ratio = 81% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Begin processing data contents... Done! Original text size = 66KB, compressed size = 30KB, compression ratio = 46% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Number of entries: 32 Conversion succeed! 百科知识: Begining loading source file... Done Time used for this section: 0 seconds Sorting dictionary... Done! Begin processing index... Done! Original index size = 1KB, compressed size = 0KB, compression ratio = 74% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Begin processing data contents... Done! Original text size = 12KB, compressed size = 8KB, compression ratio = 66% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Number of entries: 42 Conversion succeed! 美食做法: Begining loading source file... Done Time used for this section: 0 seconds Sorting dictionary... Done! Begin processing index... Done! Original index size = 1KB, compressed size = 1KB, compression ratio = 63% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Begin processing data contents... Done! Original text size = 20KB, compressed size = 11KB, compression ratio = 54% Time used for this section: 0 seconds Number of entries: 85 Conversion succeed!